Call for international documentary proposals

International broadcasters unite for Global Doc 2024

Public service broadcasters from across the world are coming together once again to launch a call for Global Doc documentary proposals on science and civilisations at Sunny Side. The companies involved are France Télévisions, ZDF, NHK, PBS, CBC, SVT, Channel 4, RAI, ORF and ABC Australia.

Producers are invited to submit proposals for ambitious, high-quality documentary films.

We would like these projects to bring the past back to life or help us imagine the future.

This could be through the study of ancient civilisations, a thorough analysis of ancient or more recent historical events, through the discovery of fossils, or an exploration of extraordinary natural phenomena. Or it could be by exploring space, great engineering projects and pioneering environmental science.

An international jury composed of representatives from each broadcaster will select a maximum of three projects.

The deadline for proposals is 11 October 2024, and the winners will be announced at the World Congress of Science and Factual Producers in December 2024.

This year, we would really welcome proposals for films which stand out, which are truly innovative, which appeal to a wide international audience. You may consider including the following elements:

  • A powerful narrative, with an intriguing premise and a clear final resolution
  • Films which are visually spectacular, cinematographic, using the best of modern image-making techniques
  • Factual clarity combined with an engaging and emotional approach
  • Following an unfolding scientific adventure, sharing in the protagonists’ passion
  • A fresh, modern approach which can appeal to a younger audience
  • Diverse voices in the directing and writing, technical crew or protagonists who appear in the film
  • 90’ format, with possible reversioning in 1x52’, 2x52’ or 3x52’

Required information:

  • A logline and a one-paragraph synopsis of the film
  • A treatment of approximately 10 pages, setting out clearly how the film will unfold
  • A clear description of the visual treatment
  • Description of experts and shooting locations 
  • Description of production and graphic teams
  • Complete budget breakdown and production schedule

What is not expected :

  • Subjects on health, social issues
  • Presenter-led projects

Please send your proposals to:

 Communiqué en français

Global Doc 2024





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