Toutouyoutou S2



Launching of the international sales of THE AEROBICS PROJECT season 2 



France tv distribution is delighted to announce the launching of the international distribution of THE AEROBICS PROJECT season 2 produced by Agat Films - Ex Nihilo.

Distributed worldwide by France tv distribution, THE AEROBICS PROJECT season 2 will be launched at the Unifrance Rendez-Vous, which will take place from September 2 to 6, 2024 in Le Havre.



Karine swaps her kitchen and hoover for a desk and printer. After discovering aerobics and industrial espionage thanks to her neighbour Jane, who has just arrived from the USA, Karine has gained confidence and is now an employee of the aeronautics company where her husband Didier works. She becomes a strategic target for the American, who forces her to collaborate with her. But their mission proves to be complicated: Karine is "only" a secretary, and both of them have to feed their legends by taking part in the aerobics class, which has become a local TV programme. Luckily, a certain Tom, Jane's American liaison officer, arrives to take things in hand...




Format: 10x26'

Genre: Comedy

A series created by Maxime Donzel, Géraldine de Margerie and David Coujard 

Starring Claire Dumas, Alexia Barlier, Sophie Cattani, Appolonia Luisetti, Souad Arsane, Jérôme Pouly de la Comédie-Française

Written by Géraldine de Margerie, Maxime Donzel with the collaboration of Judith Godinot

Directed by Julien Patry

Production: Agat Films - Ex Nihilo

French Broadcaster: OCS

Photo credits: ©Fabien Campoverde / EX NIHILO / OCS 2024



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About France tv distribution

France tv distribution works with producers and licensors to maximise revenues from their programmes accross all media platforms encompassing video, VOD and music publishing, merchandising, magazine and book publishing, plus French and international distribution and fund-raising.

Since January 2017, France tv distribution has gone hand in hand with distribution films abroad. As a major player on the distribution of rights in France and in foreign markets, this new activity of trading feature films is added to its savoir-faire.

Contacts médias - France Télévisions

Anne-Laure Ludot
France tv distribution