Laurence Boccolini and Stéphane Bern

Cross interview 

What is your state of mind as the event approaches?

Stéphane Bern: I am very impatient, it is a real pleasure. With Léon Zitrone and Pierre Tchernia, I am now one of the hosts who have presented Eurovision most often!

Laurence Boccolini: First of all, it is very reassuring for me to be at the side of Stéphane, who will be my on-air leader. It's also very stimulating because, in anticipation of the semi-finals, I listen with passion to all the songs in competition. Finally, this new exercise is a real gift, I love Eurovision since I was very little.

Is this edition special in the current health context?

S. B.: Yes, of course. It was already the case last year, when we lived a nightmare with its cancellation. This year, the French delegation is allowed to go to Rotterdam, which is not possible for all delegations. And then this 2021 edition is important for three reasons: first because we all hope to be out of this confinement by mid-May, then because our country is at the top of all predictions, which give it either winning or second place. Finally, our state of mind has also changed since we won the Junior Eurovision with Valentina.

L. B.: It is true that, in this context, it will not be the same Eurovision as usual. But, despite the constraints, we want to emphasize the best, to find the right moments to share so that this great celebration of song remains communicative, benevolent and captivating.

Does the presentation of this event require any special preparation?

S. B.: In fact, I try to get in tune with the atmosphere by listening to the songs and learning about the other European artists. I work a lot with our head of delegation, Alexandra Redde, who has a lot of energy and communicative enthusiasm.

L. B.: For me, it's a bit different. Commenting on the semi-finals on May 18 and 20 will give me a good musical taste of the trends and the big names that we will hear on May 22 in Rotterdam. So I'll have to prepare myself for surprises. And believe me, there are always surprises!

What do you think about Barbara Pravi ?

S. B. : She is an incredible artist, very moving. I agree with André Manoukian who sees her as our second Barbara. "Voilà" is a magnificent song that she interprets with her guts, but also with subtlety and emotion. Barbara embodies this song because she evokes her personal journey, the successes as well as the difficulties, and reminds us how difficult it is to break into this profession. She also reminds me of Edith Piaf.

L. B. : With her pure voice, this song with dramatic accents (in the noble sense of the term), Barbara symbolizes this French touch that many foreign fans appreciate. Having such an artistic and emotional capital gives her a great hope of victory. But, to have already listened to a good number of them, our competitors will have assets and styles so different. And, as in every edition, it is difficult to guess in advance what kind of artist and melody will win in the end.

What is the strength of your duo?

S. B. and L. B.: We are both fans of Eurovision and that is very important, because if you want to give pleasure to the viewers, you have to be the first to have it!

S. B.: We are really complementary. I'm more of a fan of British humor, self-mockery, suggestion, while Laurence has a fiery temperament, she's extremely funny and has no filters.

L. B. : And I am very lucky because Stéphane is a good audience ! We both know our business well. Stéphane has more expertise and hindsight on the process and the stakes of such a competition. I hope to be up to the task by bringing my knowledge of music and my immoderate taste for this atmosphere and folklore!

Interview by Béatrice Cantet

Ludovic Hurel
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